Saturday, October 15, 2011

One day

One day I will laugh at your jokes. The deep kind of laughter
that bubbles up from my toes and makes my eyes water.
One day I will be impressed. By how you fold your t-shirts
and how you made it through the loneliest time of your life.
You are as stable as an oak tree.
One day I will sit under your branches and feel
safe enough to fall asleep and dream of our babies.
One day I will shiver at your slightest touch
and every day feel more beautiful in my own skin and yet
more challenged to become stronger, better, bolder,
just because of who you are.
One day I will know down in the marrow of my bones
that I am in love with you,
that fifty years from now when we're old and wrinkled and slow,
I am still in love with you.

One day my heart will be open, and I will be ready for you.