It is good.
It is so challenging sometimes
that I think I want to scream
or cry out in fear
and lack of strength
it is good.
It is good.
Your eyes match mine and
at night when we are finally
they soak me in
And I can trust you again.
I can trust myself with you again.
And it is good.
It is good.
When a little is crying
and I feel alone in your house
and like an ogre next to your
soft, kind children
with tears streaming down their cheeks,
It is good.
It is good.
It is a test of all my strong parts
and I realize in the darkness
of your bathroom
at two in the morning
that this fear I have of
running out of patience and strength
is completely irrational
because I am not the person
I once was,
anymore, but instead I am
exactly who I have always wanted
to become.
It is good.
It is good.
I never imagined I would be in this place
with you
and the littles,
but I am, and
it is good.